Langfords has a long tradition supplying silver and silver plated cutlery in a vast array of antique, modern and bespoke styles to suit all settings. Our range includes English classic designs, contemporary styles and continental patterns.
We only sell cutlery that is made to the highest standards.
In the case of silver plated cutlery for busy kitchens, we always recommend a heavy deposit of silver plate that is hard-wearing, ensures a long life and less frequent renovation.
We supply and refurbish all top British and European cutlery brands including Robbe & Berking, Ercuis and Christofle.
Traditional Kings pattern
Making the die
Magnificent Coburg pattern
A professional polish might be all that is needed to refresh silver plated cutlery and make it sparkle again. For more serious refurbishment it may need replating where all surface scratches are removed before applying a heavy gauge of silver to ensure your cutlery will provide many years of use in regular service.